A.Li.Sa (Azienda Ligure Sanitaria) Regione Liguria is the government of the region (local government). Alisa is an institution founded in 2016 and operates based on health policy defined by the Regional Government. Alisa is responsible for the planning, governance and the evaluation of health and social services.
Alisa has a leading role in the field of prevention and edits the Regional Prevention Plan 2014-2018 in which there is a particular focus on:
- New Psychoactive Substances
- Gambling
- Young people.
A.Li.Sa (Azienda Ligure Sanitaria)
Piazza della Vittoria 15 – terzo piano
16121 Genova
Email: asaptraining.alisa@regione.liguria.it
Website: http://www.alisa.liguria.it
Azienda sanitaria locale 2
Via Manzoni 14, 17100 Savona (Italy)
Contact person: Rachele Donini
The Eötvös Loránd University is a 375-year old university in Hungary. The Faculty of Education and Psychology (ELTE PPK) is one of the eight faculties presently. PPK is a holistic faculty of disciplines focusing on human realization in physical and psychological harmony to the fullest possibilities.
International activities also determine our profile: lecturers, students and the administrative staff alike are intensively active in international projects, mobility programs, and building relations, like for example participating in the ASAP Training project. The number of inbound students is also growing year by year dynamically.
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Education and Psychology
Address: 1075 Budapest, Kazinczy u. 23–27.
Contact person: Katalin Felvinczi, PhD
E-mail: felvinczi.katalin@ppk.elte.hu
Web: http://www.ppk.elte.hu/en/
The Flemish centre of expertise on alcohol and other drugs, coordinates most of the Flemish organisations that deal with the issues of alcohol, illegal drugs, psychoactive medication, and gambling. VAD wants to educate the public from a health and welfare perspective and improve the expertise of intermediaries about the handling of alcohol and other drugs.
Core functions
- enable discussion within society about alcohol and drug issues;
- expand (inter)sector networks with potential partners;
- support a high quality and scientifically based approach to deal with alcohol and drugs issues.
VAD, Flemish centre of expertise on alcohol and other drugs
Vanderlindenstraat 15, 1030 Brussels, Belgium
Contact person: Jolien Moernaut
E-mail: Jolien.Moernaut@vad.be
Websites: www.vad.be
E-mail: vad@vad.be
Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) is a public academic institute part of higher education system of Greece. It provides undergraduate and postgraduate studies, it focuses on research and innovation as well as lifelong learning and it offers technological and consultancy services of high quality. TEI of Crete employs around 400 qualified academic and technical staff and serves more than 14.500 students through its campuses in all major cities of Crete. https://www.hmu.gr/
The National Institute for Health Development is a government established research and development body collecting, connecting and providing reliable national information from a multitude of sources, related to the health of the Estonian population.
We engage in public health related research and health promotion as well as development and implementation of disease prevention programmes and activities.
National Institute for Health Development (Tervise Arengu Instituut)
Hiiu 42, Tallinn, 11619, Estonia
Contact person: Karin Streimann
E-mail: karin.streimann@tai.ee
Website: https://www.tai.ee/en/
SI4LIFE -“Science and enterprise together to improve quality of life” is a Regional Consortium with the primary aim to carry out basic research, translational and applied, for supporting the quality of life of older adults and people with sensory, neuro-motor, cognitive and / or mental disabilities.
SI4Life staff has a big experience in the sector of health and social care professionals training; in particular, specific skills have been developed in the field of Instructional Design, in the modelling of educational resources and in the management of e-learning courses.
SI4Life – Scienza e Impresa insieme per migliorare la qualità della vita
Address, Corso Andrea Podestà 1
Contact person: Barbara Mazzarino
Website: www.si4life.it
The University Mental Health, Neurosciences and Precision Medicine Research Institute ‘COSTAS STEFANIS’ (UMHRI) was founded in 1989. UMHRI specialises in conducting and promoting research in the basic sectors of mental health (biological, psychological and social), neurosciences and precision medicine, in offering medical and psychosocial services, as well as in developing related training courses.
Since 1993 UMHRI has been commissioned by the Greek Ministry of Health to operate the Greek REITOX Focal Point of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), while since 1998 the Focal Point has been assigned and operating as the National Documentation and Monitoring Centre for Drugs.
University Mental Health, Neurosciences and Precision Medicine Research Institute ‘COSTAS STEFANIS’ (UMHRI)
Soranou tou Efesiou 2, Athens 115 27 – Greece
(postal address: P.O. Box: 665 17, Papagou 156 01 – Greece)
Key contact person: Ioulia Bafi
Email: ibafi@ektepn.gr
Websites: www.epipsi.gr, www.ektepn.gr
National Bureau for Drug Prevention (under Ministry of Health) is responsible for implementing drug reduction activities in Poland:
1. to initiate, support and carry out research on drug use issues, including the preparation of the epidemiology assessment,
2. to undertake actions to improve the quality of prevention, rehabilitation and social reintegration programmes,
3. to support and conduct training sessions for different professional groups dealing with counteracting drug addiction,
4. to manage the national information system on drugs and drug addiction in cooperation with EMCDDA and REITOX network,
5. to draw conclusions and make recommendations for measures shaping drug addiction response strategies,
6. to provide specialist subject support to institutions, centres and individuals dealing with the issues of drug addiction,
7. to grant subsidies for measures aimed at drug addiction prevention, health and social harm reduction related to illegal substance use and social integration of drug addicted individuals,
Krajowe Biuro ds. Przeciwdziałania Narkomanii (National Bureau for Drug Prevention)
Address: ul. Dereniowa 52/54, 02-776 Warszawa, Polska
Contact person: Artur Malczewski
Email: artur.malczewski@kbpn.gov.pl
Websites: www.kbpn.gov.pl; www.cinn.gov.pl
The University of Zagreb is the flagship educational institution in the country with 31 faculties, 3 art academies and various university centres and departments.
The core activities of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences are scientific and educational, including scientific-research and professional training, defined in line with the obligation of organizing and implementing the university studies – undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate doctor’s degree and specialized studies, as well as scientific-research; organization and implementation of the lifelong learning programme; organization and management of scientific and professional conferences and symposiums, professional counselling and other types of events; publishing activities; development of expert studies etc.
Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb
Znanstveno-ucilisni kampus, Borongajska cesta 83f, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
Contact person: Martina Feric, martina.feric@erf.hr
Website: www.erf.unizg.hr
Institute for Research and Development »Utrip« (UTRIP) is a non-governmental and a non-profit research institute with substantial experience in the field of youth risk behaviour prevention and public health advocacy. UTRIP aims to conduct research, develop, implement, monitor and evaluate the projects and programmes in the field of youth risk behaviour, addiction prevention, health promotion and healthy lifestyle. UTRIP is a member of several and civil society, research and advocacy networks and alliance.
Institute for Research and Development “Utrip” (UTRIP)
Trubarjeva cesta 13, 1290 Grosuplje, Slovenia
Office: Laze pri Borovnici 9, 1353 Borovnica, Slovenia
Contact person: Matej Košir
E-mail: info@institut-utrip.si
Website: www.institut-utrip.si
The partnership with other bodies have been established in order to increase dissemination range and sustainability of the project.
Advisory Board will provide contribution to steering Committee for designing and planning the project activities. Involved delegates will represent following institutions:
EMCDDA – European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction www.emcdda.europa.eu/emcdda-home-page_en
EUSPR – European Society for Prevention Research http://euspr.org/
UNODC – United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime https://www.unodc.org/
The supporting partners will also include following:
NTAKD – Drug, Tobacco and alcohol control department (Lithuania) http://ntakd.lrv.lt/
MIRL – Sectoral Policy Department Ministry of the Interior (Latvia) http://iem.gov.lv/eng/ministry/structure/state_secretary/deputy_state_secretary_inguna_aire/sectoral_policy_department/
HoGent – coordinator of UPC-Adapt Project https://www.hogent.be/
ATS Milan “Health Protection Agency” https://www.ats-milano.it/portale