July 2020 – Society for Prevention Research 28th Annual Meeting – Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science
Due to Covid-19 situation this year’s SPR Annual Meeting was organised as an virtual event that brought together scientists, public policy leaders and practitioners and provided opportunities for communication on the implementation of evidence-based preventive interventions in all areas of public health. Rachele Donini from Asl2, Italy in her presentation “Linking Prevention System Analysis to Workforce Training” presented some important findings from the Asap-Training Project.
The idea of “ASAP-Training project” is to link together prevention system analysis with training of key stakeholders in that system, which can offer an interesting perspective and approach and helps to advance the scientific understanding of prevention interventions into systems. It can also contribute to bridge the gap between research and everyday practice through a dynamic process that involves the public health scientific community, the practitioners and the policy makers. For more details visit: https://asap-training.eu/
Full abstract: https://spr.confex.com/spr/spr2020/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/29189
For those who were registered to the SPR Annual Meeting – The virtual conference keynote and plenary live session recordings are now available.
Click here: https://spr2020.vc.commpartners.com/?fbclid=IwAR2Y2z970-hN16yGo_8Uf0LbsKAksChZTcsyG1qhk33ijul2-Lus4kls56c