We are pleased to announce that the call for abstracts for EUSPR 2019 has opened and will close on Friday 17th May. Outcomes will be announced well before the end of our Early Bird registration period, and so those submitting will have plenty of time to take advantage of our discounted conference rates.
EUSPR 2019 is being held in Ghent, Belgium on 16th and 17th September 2019, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the 18th. Our theme this year is ‘Looking over the Wall’ and our keynotes and special sessions will focus on optimising cross-disciplinary working and improving the ways in which different groups in the prevention field – practitioners, policy makers, researchers, communities – can work together.
Prevention Science is widely recognized as being an interdisciplinary field. It develops interventions to address a range of health issues, including substance misuse, mental health, diet/nutrition and sexual health. To do so it draws on multiple disciplinary perspectives (e.g. epidemiology, implementation science, social sciences, and evaluation methods). Specialist knowledge (on particular health behaviours or methods) is important, but there is also much to gain from bringing together these different perspectives and sets of knowledge within Prevention Science.
For more visit: http://euspr.org/euspr2019/