ASAP’s project meeting in Athens
In November 2019 the project meeting took place in Athens, Greece. The meeting was hosted by the Greek project partner UMHRI/Greek REITOX Focal Point and it was held at the Meeting Room of the Department of Psychiatry (Medical School) of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. The meeting was attended by all ASAP project partners.
The meeting started with Advisory Board meeting where project partners discussed about the work within specific work packages. One of the key elements of the ASAP-Training is the attempt to build up the picture of drug prevention activities in Europe. Therefore mapping of EU key drug prevention stakeholders was implemented and the analysis of various drug prevention systems as well as identification of major characteristics in the respective countries was conducted (you can find short reports on our website under “Present outputs of the Project”).
On the basis of the report on drug prevention systems every project partner will develop national guidelines on how to implement the European Quality Standards.
The discussion included also the experience and feedback on 1st Master Trainer’s Training in Lisbon. Evaluation showed positive feedback and offered suggestions and recommendations that will be taken into consideration for the 2nd training in Tallinn.
In her welcome notes, Manina Terzidou, Head of the Greek REITOX Focal Point, acknowledged the role of ASAP in the Greek prevention system and emphasised that such actions are important and in line with the Focal Point’s role and efforts in endorsing evidence-based prevention policy and interventions as well as in promoting prevention science in Greece.
UMHRI would like to thank all to the participants for coming to Athens and contributing to fruitful discussions.